Invoice Management
This section provides an overview of our Invoice Management process for both sellers (vendors) and buyers.
All the functionalities in Invoice Management are available on the Web as well as on the Mobile apps (iPhone and Android).
If you haven't already, it is highly recommended that you review MyBiZSquare Basics prior to reading this article.
Invoice Management Process Flow

Vendor - Generating an Invoice
One of the biggest values that MyBiZSquare provides is the automatically generated invoices based on your shipping updates. As long as an order is updated as shipped (partially or fully -- Refer to Order management) MyBiZSquare creates an invoices following the payment terms that you have setup for the buyer. (Refer to Buyer Settings to learn how to setup Payment Terms)
You can also create a manual invoice using the "Create Manual Invoice" option from the My Invoices tab.

Once the invoice is generated you can make any updates as needed using the "Edit Invoice" option, including adding service/delivery charges, sales tax or discounts. Discounts can be added at the total invoice level or each individual line level.
The invoice is not sent to the buyer until you send the invoice using the "Send Invoice" option.
Vendor - To Receive a Card Payment
Your buyers can pay the invoices using credit or debit cards. For you to receive a card payment you will need to set up a bank account for the funds to deposit.
Stripe is our Payment Processor. We do not save any bank account or credit card information. All your bank/card information is saved in Stripe. If you already have an account with Stripe you can use it but, if not, you can create it through MyBiZSquare.
You can add your bank account using the "Link Account" option in the My Invoices tab or from your profile page.
Adding your bank account from My Invoices tab

Adding your bank account from My Profile page

If your Buyer pays your using an alternative method of payment (check, zelle etc) you can manually mark the invoice as paid using the "Mark as Paid" option.

Buyer - Making a Card Payment
Once you receive an invoice from your Vendor you can make a card payment using the "Pay Now" option, if the Vendor has setup a bank account to receive the payment.

Vendor - Receiving a Payment
Stripe charges their card processing fees prior to depositing monies to your bank account. Please refer to www.stripe.com to learn more about their processing fees (2.9% + 30cents per transaction). MyBiZSquare do not take any additional processing fees from your buyer payments.
The payments will be deposited in your bank account per Stripe's payout schedule. If you created a Stripe account for the very first time, the first deposit may take additional time. Please refer to Stripe's payout schedule to learn more.
You can always check the status of the payment using Stripe Dashboard. We do not have visibility to your payouts.
Vendor - Processing a Buyer Refund
You can process any refunds to your buyers through your Stripe Dashboard. Since Stripe processes all payments, all refunds also go through them.
If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to MyBiZSquare Support.